Editor Log 最后的报错是:
CLR: Managed code called FailFast, saying "Unexpected SynchronizationContext.Current found. Expected UnitySynchronizationContext but it is ET.ThreadSynchronizationContext;
Changing the synchronization context is not supported and editor/runtime may misbehave or freeze."
Obtained 50 stack frames.
#0 0×00000194802600 in __pthread_kill
#1 0xee31000194747908 in abort
#2 0×5d0f000333509f84 in ves_icall_System_Environment_FailFast
#3 0×0000033350f5f0 in ves_icall_System_Environment_GetCommandLineArgs_raw
#4 0×000003d9f60ea8 in (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:FailFast (string,System.Exception,string) [{0×3bac2b550} + 0xb0] (0×3d9f60df8 0×3d9f60f5c) [0×332f82a80 - Unity Child Domain]